Our Vision
Since Jesus is coming soon, we earnestly seek spiritual revival fires that will result in epidemic proportions of saving grace, and fuel a moral awakening within our city and into the nations we reach through our missionaries. (Behold how great a matter a little fire kindleth - James 3:5). Through faith, fervent prayer, fasting, and basic biblical evangelism, we now seek to win thousands, and ten thousands of souls; And, to foster within the hearts of these new souls, a spirit of prayer, and a love for all Bible truths: including desires for purity, sanctification, and faith-to-faith soul winning. It is our vision to establish a plurality of Austin Gatherings (like) churches: and, each church with approximately 150 persons: and, each church having their own independent leadership: and, each church having trained and biblically ordained pastors and deacons.
Our Mission
We are here to manifestly glorify Jesus Christ whether by life or by death. For his glory, we are commissioned raise up, send, and support missionaries, to win souls locally, to teach obedience to the Bible, and to instruct converts in a life of sanctification, piety, and purity. Within our assemblies, believers exercise spiritual gifts to the edification of the church, the glory of God, and the furtherance of the Kingdom of God. We labor in worldwide missions and a localized public outreach by means of the ministry of the Word, prayer, and fasting.
Our Purpose
All of our pastors and deacons have the following values, responsibilities, and mindsets:
- To manifestly LABOR in Word and doctrine.
- To dedicate significant time to secret prayer, intercession, supplication, and travail.
- To have immediate family in subjection, obedience, and good spiritual standing.
- To deny, and die to self-promotion.
- To be recognized as having a wholesome spiritual countenance that glorifies Jesus Christ.
- To be a passionate congregational preacher as to magnify Christ and warn the backslidden.
- To be a gifted teacher in order to exhort, edify, and comfort the flock.
- To be known as faithful, and punctual in all matters of church affairs.
- To be loving as a character trait, and love the flock fervently.
- To be a sacrificial giver of money and time.
- To be eternally minded, and a vigilant redeemer of time.
- To be a relentless, passionate, and effective soul winner.
- To dedicate many occasions to secret fasting.
- To have the mindset to send out solely church-supported missionaries as God allows.
- To be a man of ONLY one authority – the KJV Bible.
- To be blameless and harmless.
- To be responsible and honorable in society.
- To see God’s Word “all-sufficient” to win souls, build families, and edify the church.
- To do all things in “Word and deed” in the name of Jesus Christ.
- To never compromise ANY truth to gain size, scale, or financial advantage.
- To be seen as humble, and free from a proud look.
- To be benevolent in love, and remember the poor.
- To be a good steward of money, and not be covetous or greedy.
- To be mold-able, and changeable as the Word reveals.
- To esteem God’s Word above all of man’s opinions.
- To speak the truth in love (without any compromise).
- To stay away from hypocrisy and man-made standards but rather cleave to Biblical doctrines and convictions.
- To abstain from any, and all, worldly appearances of evil.
- To have personal convictions against risque, and worldly entertainment.
- To never pass an offering plate, take a salary, or sell things in the church.
Eschewing Monetary Love
We DO NOT pass an offering plate (we have an offering box in the back of the church for all offerings). Pastors DO NOT receive a salary (pastors are ONLY compensated if the giver designates his/her offerings to him. All undesignated offerings go into the general fund to pay expenses). We DO NOT sell anything in our church (this includes bibles, books, CDs, or sermons). If we must transact something of value for ministerial purposes, it will either be free or at our original cost.